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Manual for Recolor and Print Vecor Images

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Added: 2011-01-30

 In our galleries tangier grids are painted with 100% black or on the 2-colored grids 100% black and 100% magenta. For changing colors in .cdr file you need to choose the lines and set them new color. Use only PANTONE ® colors for typography printing in a different way you will have fringe of colors. For printing on inkjet or laser home / office printers it is no object.

Recommended thickness of lines for typography offset printing is 40-80 micron for positives and 70-120 micron for negatives. For printing on inkjet or laser home / office printers - 70-100 micron for positives and 100-160 micron for negatives (reversives).

Most of laser printers don’t reproduce lines less 50 micron. Inkjet printers cannot reproduce thicknesses less 70-80 micron. Be carefully with preparing your image for print on different types of printing devices.

Use maximum quality of printing in options of your printer, for example «fine» «ultrafine» «high resolution», etc. For best quality with printing on inkjet printer is desirable to use photo paper.

Use recommendations for your vector redactor for changing colors of lines. For example if you need to change lines in Corel Draw:

  1. Open your file with grid (rosetta, etc) in Corel Draw.
  2. Transfer Edit->Find and Replace and then->Replace Objects...
  3. Choose in menu point "Replace a color" and push the button “More”. You will go to to next window of change initial and finish colors.
  4. In the field “Find” choose the color what you want to change and in the field "Replace with" choose the color what you want to get. In menu "Replace color used as" chose "Outlines". Press "Finish".
  5. In appeared window "Find and Replace" choose "Replace All". So color of all your objects with stated initial color will be placed to what you want (your stated finish color).
  6. After finishing of this procedure the colors of lines or objects will be changed. You can use this procedure for changing another parameters for example thickness of lines.

For easy choose design elements from our galleries is convenient to use .JPG images or .PDF catalogues. Using design element from this site is not differ from using usual vector image in any vector editor.


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